To champion for what is right and natural can never be wrong and is necessary
In this Leadership Insights Piece, Professor Elizabeth Lee, CEO of Sunway Education Group, shares the company's journey and best practices towards creating an inclusive organizational culture and gender equal workplace.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:WEPs Leaders
Deep Dive into Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
This manual primarily aims to provide human resources and DEI professionals in WEPs signatory companies—large and small—with guidance to design, implement and track progress against their workplace DEI policies and procedures and cultivate corporate DEI cultures.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:WEPs Guidance
WEPs deep-dives series 3: Understanding Unconscious Bias
Watch the recording of the last WEPs deep-dives series in 2023. This workshop showcases what bias is, how and where it shows up, and what you can do about it. Our goal is for the participants to fully understand where bias comes from and what they can do about it.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:Video and Event
WEPs Induction in Spanish - November 2023
The WEPs Secretariat hosted a WEPs Induction session in Spanish, together with UN Women Latin America Regional team .
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:Video and Event
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Co-hosted by UN Women and the UN Global Compact, this virtual session will provide an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:Video and Event
WEPs Induction October 2023 Session
Organized and led by WEPs Global Secretariat at UN Women HQ, this session covers the 7 principles of the WEPs, business case and WEPs how to- how to create log in account for and how to report on your company's progress.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
The lack of women’s representation at decision making tables threatens to sideline gender equality as a top-level concern.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:Case Study
2023 Ring the Bell for Gender Equality
In celebration of 2023 International Women’s Day, UN Women co-organized Ring the Bell for Gender Equality for the ninth consecutive year in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation, UN Global Compact, UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative, and the World Fede
Author:WEPs Secretariat
Publisher:UN Women
Category:WEPs Leaders