The WEPs Secretariat hosted 2 WEPs induction sessions together with UN Women Asia pacific Regional office team, UN Women Georgia team, and UN Women Jordan team.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:Info about WEPs
Checklist for Gender-Responsive Recruitment
Use this checklist to verify your recruitment process and ensure that it is gender-responsive.
We welcome recruiting firms, headhunters and in-house Human Resources departments to use this check list in their day-to-day work.
Author:WEPs Secretariat
Publisher:UN Women
Category:WEPs Guidance
WEPs Gender-Responsive Procurement Assessment Tool
The WEPs Gender-Responsive Procurement (GRP) Assessment Tool allows companies to assess progress on their GRP policies and practices. This self-assessment tool is available to all WEPs signatories.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:WEPs Guidance
WEPs Gender Responsive Procurement Tool Preview Questions
The UN Women’s Empowerment Principles – Gender-Responsive Procurement (GRP) Assessment Tool allows companies to assess progress on their GRP policies and practices on gender-responsive procurement. This self-assessment tool is available to all WEPs signatories.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Category:WEPs Guidance
WEPs deep-dive series#1: Gender Equality vs. Gender Equity- Laws working for women in business
The Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) team has invited Women, Business and the Law (WBL) team from the World Bank to share their insights on the trends in regulations on women in business.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
WEPs 101- January 2023 Session Recording
Co-hosted by UN Women and the UN Global Compact, this virtual session provides an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Trends and opportunities to advance gender equality in business in Asia and the Pacific
Guided by the WEPs, this report offers a depth of insights, emerging best practices, and identifies forward-looking actions that companies in Asia and the Pacific can take to promote gender equality through their business operations.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women