WEPs 101 - September 2022 session
13 Sep 2022
Co-hosted by UN Women and the UN Global Compact, this virtual session will provide an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
Join us to learn more about the WEPs, reasons to join, available tools and to get guidance on the signing process.
Interested? Please register here.
24 May 2022
Co-hosted by UN Women and the UN Global Compact, this virtual session will provide an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
Join us to learn more about the WEPs, reasons to join, available tools and to get guidance on the signing process.
Interested? Please register here.
2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards Information Session
17 May 2022
Applications are open now through June 30th for the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Curious if your organization is eligible? Wondering which category to apply for? Join us for this Information Session to learn more about the process and application and get your questions answered live. Please register here.
Gender Equality and Climate Change Finance: the Role of Public Development Banks
16 Mar 2022
On 16 March, please join Government of France, Government of Morocco, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), African Development Bank (AfDB), European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) for the Gender Equality and Climate Change Finance – The Role of Public Development Banks high-level side event during CSW66.
Change Makers: Women Empowering a Sustainable Future
08 Mar 2022
Post Event
Event replay here.
The Event
How Exchanges Can Advance Gender Equality - report launch
08 Mar 2022
Join us at this virtual event "How Exchanges Can Advance Gender Equality", co-organized by the Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative, the International Finance Corporation and UN women. Updated guidance and best practices will be shared.
Women's Empowerment Principles 101: Empowering Women in the Workplace, Marketplace, and Community
03 Feb 2022
We are pleased to invite you to the Women’s Empowerment Principles 101 – Empowering Women in the Workplace, Marketplace, and Community virtual session.
This virtual session will provide an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework to support companies when striving for gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community. Join us to learn more about the WEPs, available tools, and obtain guidance on the sign-on process
2021 Regional Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards
18 Nov 2021
Organized by WeEmpowerAsia, the 2021 WEPs Awards Regional Ceremony will be the final culminating event to unveil the region’s top private sector champions for gender equality.
Sustainable bonds: bridging the gap for gender equality
16 Nov 2021
You are invited to join the launch of “A Practitioner’s Guide to Using Sustainable Debt for Gender Equality” followed by a discussion the how sustainable bond issuance can be used to finance gender-related projects and strategies.
Women's Empowerment Principles 101: Empowering Women in the Workplace, Marketplace, and Community
28 Oct 2021
This virtual session will provide an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework to support companies when striving for gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community. Join us to learn more about the WEPs, available tools, and obtain guidance on the sign-on process