Coop Italia soc coop

Maura Latini (F)


Coop is one of the main Italian retailer and inclusion and gender equality are in its DNA as cooperative retailer. Coop Italia, in its social and cooperative identity, for years has been committed to enhancing gender equality and promoting inclusion as essential components for its growth. Coop has long been committed to promote legality, ethics and the respect of workers’ rights, that is why it has a dedicated organisation and a specific system of guarantees. Since 1998, all Coop private label suppliers are monitored based on the SA8000 ethical standard, for which Coop Italia is certified. The Coop Code of Conduct is based on SA8000, ILO principles and United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles . Coop Italia requires to its suplliers for private label products to formalise their ethical commitment subscribeing the principles of Coop Ethical code and undersigning the Letter of Adhesion to Coop Ethical Project. Coop will be further committed about on gender equality in the future.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 16 February 2021
501-1000 employees


Between 51% and 80% women employees.

Between 30% and 50% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Food Retail


Europe and Central Asia

Progress - 2021

Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment
Last updated on: 16 September 2021