Antonia María Lorenzo López (F)

CEO and R&D Director

BIOAZUL is a SME, working on water engineering and technology consultancy, which develops eco-innovative solutions for the treatment and reuse of water resources, and for the recovery of substances of value present in wastewater and processes. We believe that there is still a lot of work to be done in our sector in terms of gender equality, and in general in professions related to technology and innovation. Our company, Bioazul, has already implemented several gender equality measures with regards to leadership as the company is run by a woman, myself, and since its creation we have always promoted gender equality in all aspects and activities of the company, starting with staff balance (7 women and 5 men now) and in salaries (there is no wage gap), and equality in the framework of the R + D + i projects that we promote and in which we participate. We believe it is important to implement the WEP's and joining this global community in order to take the necessary actions to achieve gender equality and women empowerment, as well as discovering new ways to promote positive impact on gender equality, learning from other companies with good practices and actively work for gender equality. I am fully committed to lead this at BIOAZUL. Since 2022, BIOAZUL has its Gender Equality Plan

General Information

WEPs signatory since 22 April 2020
Private F
11-50 employees


Between 30% and 50% women employees.

Above 80% women at management level.

Between 51% and 80% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Water Utilities




Finding Sustainable Solutions in Water Management
Finding Sustainable Solutions in Water Management
This Leaders in Action story follows the journey of Bioazul co-founder, Antonia Lorenzo Lopez.…
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