UN Women and Nokia have partnered under a global memorandum of understanding to address the low number of female employees in Nokia's office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). As part of this partnership, UN Women has provided ongoing, biweekly advisory support to Nokia KSA, sharing insights on best practices across the seven Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and relevant data and trends. Nokia KSA has also received training on gender equality, including WEPs 101, Gender Gap Analysis Tool Training for the Arab Region and Gender Action Plan training for the Arab Region.
In Q3 2021, Nokia launched the Converged Female Talent Programme with its partners, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) and Zain Saudi Arabia, to develop and test the business case for women's leadership in the tech sector. With UN Women's support, Nokia has reviewed its human resources policies and incorporated feedback from women employees in KSA into its recruitment and onboarding process and sought to increase women graduates into their pipeline through internship and graduate employment programme opportunities. Nokia has also been a part of testing and developing the toolkit on gender-responsive marketing, which have been developed and customized by UN Women for companies in the Arab Region.