Treating all women and men fairly at work aligns with international human rights principles. It also translates to better talent acquisition, higher employee retention and satisfaction, increased productivity and better decision making. Removing all forms of discrimination in corporate policies, strategies, culture and practices is a solid step forward in a company’s WEPs journey.

Suggested Actions
- Pay equal remuneration, including benefits and bonuses, for work of equal value and ensure at a minimum a living wage for all women and men employees.
- Foster an inclusive workplace culture and remove gender-based discrimination from all policies and practices.
- Implement gender-sensitive recruitment and retention practices and proactively recruit and appoint women to managerial and executive positions and to the corporate board of directors.
- Offer flexible working arrangements, leave and re-entry opportunities to positions of equal pay and status.
- Support women and men’s access to child and dependent care through services, resources and information.
- Regularly engage and consult employees on their perspectives and needs.