5. Enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices

Negative and diminished conceptions of women and girls are one of the greatest barriers for gender equality. Advertising is a powerful driver to change perceptions and impact social norms –portraying women and men in modern, authentic and multidimensional roles. Companies can also influence business partners through inclusive supply chain policies and standards of engagement.

Enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices

Suggested Actions

  • Require business partners, contractors and suppliers to adopt the WEPs.
  • Establish supplier diversity programmes that actively seeks to expand business relationships with women-owned enterprises and support them in access.
  • Support gender-sensitive solutions to women’s barriers to accessing financial products and services.
  • Ensure that company products, services and facilities are not used for human trafficking and/or labour or sexual exploitation.
  • Remove harmful gender-based stereotypes in all media and advertising and systematically depict women and men as empowered actors with progressive, intelligent and multi-dimensional personalities.