3. Employee Health, Well-Being and Safety

Employers play a key role in preserving and promoting the physical and emotional health, safety and wellbeing of their women and men employees. Sexual harassment and violence signify high costs to women in terms of lost earnings, missed promotions and overall wellbeing. Companies are impacted in form of employee absenteeism and productivity losses.

Employee Health, Well-Being and Safety

Suggested Actions

  • Establish internal policies and procedures preventing all forms of violence and sexual harassment at work.
  • Ensure all employees’ equal access to health insurance, including part-time workers, and to support services for survivors of violence and harassment.
  • Respect women and men workers’ rights to time off for medical care and counseling for themselves and their dependents.
  • Provide safe working conditions and protection from exposure to hazardous materials and disclose potential risks, including to reproductive health.
  • Address safety and security issues, including traveling to/from work and business trips, and train security staff and managers to recognize signs of violence against women, human trafficking, labour and sexual exploitation.