TESS Holdings Co., Ltd.

Kazuki Yamamoto (M)


At the TESS group, we believe that the promotion of diversification in human resource (HR) is essential for the further improvement of company values. Regarding diversity, we think that it is not limited to only hiring and promoting women, but also others having various backgrounds, ages, nationalities, etc. As a first step forward, in May 2022, we hired and appointed a female executive officer as a leader in promoting ESG activities and women empowerment in our company. In July, we newly established the ESG Promotion Committee, which endeavors for the promotion of women empowerment and diversification. Under our HR strategy, we have set clear quantitative mid-term targets for female employee and manager ratios over the next eight years.  We believe that more dialogue with female employees is the key to achieving our goals. We are committed to make further efforts not only to achieve the quantitative targets, but also to make the workplace a more comfortable and happier place to work in for employees who come from various backgrounds.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 22 August 2022
201-500 employees


Less than 30% women employees.

Less than 30% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Non-Residential Construction


Asia and the Pacific
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries