Pedro César Dávila Alanís (M)
Director General
Buscamos erigir una red de apoyo para las mujeres, proporcionándoles un entorno laboral seguro que les permita avanzar y desarrollarse profesionalmente. Nuestra meta es fomentar su progreso en el ámbito profesional, al mismo tiempo que asumimos el compromiso de destacar la importancia y trascendencia de su labor, especialmente en lo que respecta a la significativa relevancia que esta tiene en nuestra empresa.
General Information
WEPs signatory since 26 May 2023

11-50 employees
Non-Residential Construction
Americas and the Caribbean
Progress - 2023
Ratio of basic salary of women to men
- Global gender pay gap average: -
- Company average: 100%
Percentage of new hires, women and men
- 100.00
- 0.00
Percentage of promotions and career opportunities, women and men
- 65 - 70%
- 25 - 30%
Retention rate of women and men employees who took parental leave
- 0.00
- 100.00
Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment
Annual Report
Last updated on: 24 November 2023