Neptune Lines Shipping and Managing Enterprises S.A.


Craig Louis Jasienski (M)

Chief Executive Officer

Neptune Lines has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact since 2015. Over the years, we have built a strong corporate social responsibility culture, widely adopted throughout our organisation and demonstrated in the way we conduct our business and in our relationship with stakeholders. Aligning our actions with the international community towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, we commit to the common global effort, and be at the forefront in our industry. Diversity & Inclusion is a priority for Neptune Lines, where relevant initiatives are undertaken to engage our people in learning and activities, ensuring a broad and deep understanding and responsibility amongst all our staff. Neptune Lines demonstrates its commitment in raising awareness on the importance of the diversity in the workplace and promotes the values of inclusion and equality. A work environment free of discrimination, stereotyping, and providing equal opportunities to all – is the right way to promote openness, creativity and innovation. We believe that the uniqueness of individuals, working together as a whole unit, is one of our key competitive advantages. These principles directly contribute to the development of our People and Company, and more than the right thing to do, diversity is a core value for Neptune Lines. At Neptune Lines we strongly stand for the empowerment of women and a gender-diverse workplace, supporting the necessary shift in the Shipping industry that is traditionally male dominated. Proud of our accomplishments so far, it is with great pleasure that we hereby further commit to a more ambitious future and to driving positive change, by supporting the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs).

General Information

WEPs signatory since 16 May 2022
Private F
51-200 employees




Europe and Central Asia