Muge Design Limited



We are all responsible to bequeath a fairer, more equal and more inclusive world to future generations than the one we inherited from our forebears. To us; fair means approaching each other without bias or prejudice; equal means providing everyone same access to opportunities, same chance to speak out and be heard; inclusive means embracing differences. Gender equality, besides being a fundamental human right, is essential to achieve those objectives at a societal level. By signing the Women’s Empowerment Principles, we want to publicly announce our commitment to work towards this goal and willingness to be held accountable if we don’t. We expect and call upon every other global business leader, entrepreneur, business owner to do the same and join this effort.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 05 November 2020
Private F
1-10 employees


Above 80% women employees.

Above 80% women at management level.

Above 80% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Business Support Services


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland