Sophie Boissard (F)
Korian Group CEO
"Taking care of those who take care” is part of our company's CSR commitments, to enhance the quality of work for the Group’s 56,000 employees (83% of whom are women and 63% of whom are care staff) in their daily activities, throughout the year, to maintain a constantly high level of care quality. Totally committed to diversity, I have set the objective of increasing by 10% the number of women in top management to attain a 50% ratio, to ensure that there is gender diversity at every level of our organisation. Signing WEP today is a further engagement towards gender equality and development of women working conditions. Convinced social dialogue is key to help us progressing, I decided to sign WEP during our first EWC official meeting. Sophie Boissard, Korian CEO
General Information

Above 80% women employees.
Between 51% and 80% women at management level.
Between 30% and 50% women on boards/executive team/partners.