Hangzhou weiru technology co., ltd

Yilai Wang (F)


Hangzhou weiru technology co., ltd. supports the initiative to promote women empowerment   Hangzhou weiru technology co., ltd. will go all out to support women's empowerment and serve with our high-tech products, support and protect some of the needs of women. We want to make some points:   1 Over the past 100 years of domestic violence, many women have suffered from domestic violence and have no place to complain. Because many countries still have no specific legal convictions for domestic violence   2 Men and women are paid differently for their work 3 Women should have elections and election rights   4 Do not prefer sons to daughters  5 Men are not above women  6 No polygamy   7. Safeguard women's rights without corresponding protection and care when they receive discrimination and harm in their lives    What is women's empowerment? The real empowerment of women includes political rights, economic rights, and social status. To empowering women with political rights, women must be able to give opinions on the policies that affect their lives by involving in elections and entering government positions. About women's economic rights, giving women the right to use their resources, which can lead to prosperity in families and communities. The advancement of women's social status is often achieved by the development and revision of public policies and education, freeing women from what limits their full potential, such as abuse, exploitation and repression. Economic rights can give women political influence. Political power can also help women control economic policies that are good for them. Increased social status has strengthened the ability to participate in the economy and politics, which in turn has given women a foothold in society. Unfortunately, many women do not receive such rights. As people come to realize these problems, some kind people who want to give power to women appear. However, despite these good intentions, if someone "gives power" to someone else, others can take it away. It is not the solution to women's rights. To solve women's problems comprehensively, women need to gain power on their own. The barriers to women's access to rights are not just individuals, but there are many institutional and institutional reasons why women cannot participate freely in social life. To break these barriers, individuals should unite to work together to amend laws, improve social norms and all systems that inhibit the productivity of women. Society must recognize that women's participation may lead to development and prosperity.    Hangzhou weiru technology co., ltd. will implement the principles of women's empowerment to the company. We hope to achieve the empowerment of women through the United Nations women, and that people around the world could attach greater importance to women and enforce the rights of women, which will be a more civilized and glorious new world.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 15 September 2020
Private F
1-10 employees


Less than 30% women employees.

Less than 30% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.



