Maia Bibilauri (F)

CEO & Founder

More women in business! For a country like Georgia, it is very important to support, encourage and promote women to be involved as much as possible in both public and private sectors and to give them the opportunity to realize their knowledge and experience in their work, to contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of the country and their respective industries, which in final overall affects the strengthening of the country's economy and families. The statistics of recent years have shown that more and more women are becoming active in business activities and they are leading their activities quite successfully, which once again proves that gender equality is important and beneficial for business as well, which contributes to economic growth, sustainability and benefits the development of the country. Especially women, we should stand by each other and help each other to empower women.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 12 February 2020
Private F
11-50 employees


Travel, Lodging and Amusement


Europe and Central Asia