Bim Cube Consulting LLC


Ana Kukhaleishvili (F)


As a female CEO, I am committed to empowering women at all levels of our organization and beyond. I believe that when women are given the tools and support they need to succeed, they can achieve great things and contribute to the success of our company and country's economics in meaningful ways. To that end, I am dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity, where all employees feel valued and supported. This means creating opportunities for women to advance within the company, providing mentorship and networking opportunities, and offering flexible work arrangements that allow women to balance their professional and personal responsibilities. Beyond our organization, I am committed to supporting women's empowerment through philanthropic and advocacy efforts. This includes supporting initiatives that provide education and training to women in underserved communities, advocating for policies that promote gender equality, and partnering with organizations that promote women's leadership and entrepreneurship. Ultimately, my goal as a female CEO is to create a world where women have equal opportunities to succeed and thrive, both in the workplace and in society as a whole. I believe that when we invest in women's empowerment, we are investing in a brighter future for us all.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 27 April 2023
Private F/M
1-10 employees


Non-Residential Construction


Europe and Central Asia