BHM Otelcilik A.S.

Haydar BARUT (M)

President of the Board

We firmly believe that our success is deeply rooted in creating a fair, safe, and equal opportunity work place for all our team members. As proud signatories of the Women's Empowerment Principles, we recognize the invaluable role that women play in our business and beyond. Our commitment to these principles is more than just a pledge—it's a responsibility we carry to shape our company and create value for our society at large. Approved by our Board of Directors, our 2023-25 Human Capital Strategic Plan echoes this commitment, emphasizes sustainability, corporate responsibility, and above all, women's empowerment including; Fair treatment, Increasing female representation, Empowering women in leadership roles, Ensuring the safety and well-being of our team, Encouraging personal and professional development and Advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are not just committed to being a leading hotel chain; we're committed to being a leader in fostering gender equality. We know the importance of leading by example, and as a signatory of the Women's Empowerment Principles, we will tirelessly use our influence to make a difference. Here's to a future where gender equality isn't a goal, but a norm. We remain dedicated to working with UN Women and similar organizations to create a more equitable world.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 21 July 2023
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees


Travel, Lodging and Amusement


Europe and Central Asia