Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A.

Marco Troncone (M)

Chief Executive Officer

Aeroporti di Roma is proud to support UN Women and welcome the Women’s Empowerment Principles. As a company increasingly focused on sustainability and the implementation of an integrated sustainable development, we regard equality and social inclusion as essential components of our vision and strategy; we have committed to the UN's SDG 5, i.e., Gender Equality, outlining in our “Charter of Commitments on Sustainability” the objective to gradually increase the number of women in management positions. We cherish the value that our people's uniqueness adds to our business, enriching it considerably; not solely do we believe that the equal participation of women to our business increases our competitiveness, but we strongly support that it has the power to foster the development of the whole society, improving the economic and social conditions of a Country as a whole.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 04 April 2022
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees



